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Class Preparation

Please arrive 15-20 minutes. You will need to fill out a quick registration form and discuss any injuries/health issues with your instructor prior to class.

What to wear?

Breathable fabric is preferred. Avoid cotton if possible. It is recommended to practice barefoot. No shoes allowed in the practice room.

Come to class hydrated

Please make sure you drink plenty of water, before you practice, to stay hydrated. It is important to rehydrate after your practice, not only with water, but electrolytes as well. Water, coconut water and other electrolyte drinks can be purchased in studio or bring your own bottle and fill up at our refillable filtered water station.

When should I eat?

It is recommended to eat a couple hours before you practice. Everybody is different, so please find what works best for you.

What should I bring with me for practice?

A yoga mat, long towel and water are all required to practice. Feel free to bring your own or rent/purchase from the studio.

Remain in the studio the entire class

Listen to your body and take breaks whenever you feel necessary by laying down or sitting quietly on your mat. The desire for breaks fades as you focus on your breath and become acclimated to your environment. If for any reason you must leave early, please let the instructor know before class so they can assist you with the least disruption as possible.

Focus on progress not perfection

Yoga is for everyone, regardless of your age or body type. As long as you are focused on your breath and doing your personal best, you will receive all the benefits of each pose. Comparing ourselves to others steals our happiness, so please do not worry if you are not as flexible or perfectly balanced as someone next to you. Just breathe, focus on your own journey and leave knowing that you have made progress.

How often should I practice?

A consistent practice of 3-4 times a week will allow you to receive maximum benefits. You will still receive these benefits with a reduced amount of time, it just may take a little longer.


Yoga Etiquette:

For the safety of you and others in the studio room, entering more than 5 mins after the start of a class is not permitted under any circumstances. No exceptions will be made. 

  • Please arrive 10 - 15  minutes before class to check-in.

  • Please be on your mat at the time class starts.

  • Please remove your shoes before entering the practice shala – it is considered a disrespect to wear shoes in the practice space/our wood floors.

  • A sweat towel and water are recommended in class.

  • Read class descriptions and take the class that feels aligned with your purpose of yoga. 

  • If you must leave class early, do it before Savasana (final relaxation pose).  Please know that Savasana is essential, so if you need to leave early, allow yourself a few minutes in corpse pose to reap the benefits of your shortened practice. This also alerts others around you that you plan to leave class a bit early.

  • Pick up and neatly put away any props you use. In heated classes, please wipe up any sweat around your space.

  • The studio room is heated, anywhere from 75-85 degrees - please check the class description to decide what is best for you. 

  • You must be 17 years old or older to practice at Heartspace Yoga without an adult 

  • You must be over 14 years old to practice with a parent or guardian - unless you are attending a class or workshop for your age group.

  • Keep an open mind and an open heart during practice 

  • No electronics are permitted in the yoga room 

    • Cell Phones are strictly prohibited 

    • We ask that your smart watch’s display is turned off so as not to disturb other clients. 

Blue Skies

Benefits of Yoga

  • Stress relief: The practice of yoga is well-demonstrated to reduce the physical effects of stress on the body. The body responds to stress through a fight-or-flight response, which is a combination of the sympathetic nervous system and hormonal pathways activating, releasing cortisol – the stress hormone – from the adrenal glands. Cortisol is often used to measure the stress response. Yoga practice has been demonstrated to reduce the levels of cortisol. Most yoga classes end with savasana, a relaxation pose, which further reduces the experience of stress.

  • Pain relief: Yoga can ease pain. Studies have shown that practicing yoga asanas (postures), meditation or a combination of the two, reduced pain for people with conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, auto-immune diseases and hypertension as well as arthritis, back and neck pain and other chronic conditions.

  • Better breathing: Yoga includes breathing practices known as pranayama, which can be effective for reducing our stress response, improving lung function and encouraging relaxation. Many pranayamas emphasize slowing down and deepening the breath, which activates the body’s parasympathetic system, or relaxation response. By changing our pattern of breathing, we can significantly affect our body’s experience of and response to stress. This may be one of the most profound lessons we can learn from our yoga practice.

  • Flexibility: Yoga can improve flexibility and mobility and increase range of motion. Over time, the ligaments, tendons and muscles lengthen, increasing elasticity.

  • Increased strength: Yoga asanas use every muscle in the body, increasing strength literally from head to toe. A regular yoga practice can also relieve muscular tension throughout the whole body.

  • Weight management: While most of the evidence for the effects of yoga on weight loss is anecdotal or experiential, yoga teachers, students and practitioners across the world find that yoga helps to support weight loss. Many teachers specialize in yoga programs to promote weight management and find that even gentle yoga practices help support weight loss. People do not have to practice the most vigorous forms of yoga to lose weight. Yoga encourages development of a positive self-image, as more attention is paid to nutrition and the body as a whole. A study from the Journal of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine found that regular yoga practice was associated with less age-related weight gain. The lifestyle study of 15,500 adults in their 50’s covered 10 years of participants’ weight history, physical activity, medical history and diet.

  • Improved circulation: Yoga helps to improve circulation by efficiently moving oxygenated blood to the body’s cells.

  • Cardiovascular conditioning: Even a gentle yoga practice can provide cardiovascular benefits by lowering resting heart rate, increasing endurance and improving oxygen uptake during exercise.

  • Presence: Yoga connects us with the present moment. The more we practice, the more aware we become of our surroundings and the world around us. It opens the way to improved concentration, coordination, reaction time and memory.

  • Inner peace: The meditative effects of a consistent yoga practice help many cultivate inner peace and calm.

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